Is Green Tea an Antioxidant – Green Tea Benefits

Is Green Tea an Antioxidant?

The Wikipedia definition of antioxidant is: a molecule that inhibits the oxidation of other molecules. Oxidation is a chemical reaction that can produce free radicals, leading to chain reactions that may damage cells. Antioxidants terminate these chain reactions.

Green tea contains a high concentration of a powerful group of antioxidants known as polyphenols. To go a little deeper and more technical … polyphenol antioxidants in green tea comprises of a group of flavonoids categorized as catechins. There are 6 primary catechin compounds in green tea: catechin, epicatechin, epigallocatechin, gallaocatechin, epicatechin gallate and epigallocatechin gallate (also known as EGCg).  EGCg is the most abundant and most studied poly phenol component. Some of the green tea benefits and health properties of EGCg relate to cancer prevention and other serious health issues. Read more about EGCg here) Green tea also contains other flavonoids, as well as a small amount of caffeine.

Here is a Chart Showing the Polyphenol Antioxidants in Green Tea.

Polyphenols in tea

Breakdown of Polyphenols – Antioxidants in Green Tea

Green Tea Extract

Typical Green Tea Extract Available on the Market Today

So in answer to the question – is green tea an antioxidant – yes it certainly is! Factual evidence from many studies and research is readily available to confirm the constituents as well as the chemical and biochemical properties of green tea. So there is no doubt or controversy about this. Pharmaceutical companies marketing green tea extracts aggressively promote all these component of green tea. Here are some online outlets for green tea extracts: Amazon; A1 SupplementsStarwest Botanicals

Do all Forms of Green Tea have the same Concentration of Antioxidants?

No. Natural loose leaf green teas contain a higher concentration of antioxidants than commercial green tea bags and green tea bottled drinks and iced teas. The best and most potent antioxidant green tea, however is Japanese Matcha, which is made by grinding the tea leaves into a fine powder. It has an even higher concentration of antioxidants than regular loose leaf green tea. The reason for this is because the whole tea leaf is consumed in the process of brewing and drinking Matcha green tea.

Are Antioxidants really that Powerful in their Purported Health and Well-being Properties?

So now we know for a fact that green tea has plenty of antioxidants, but do we know for sure that these antioxidants in green tea benefits us and helps with weight loss and helps prevent cancer and all the rest of the marvelous things attributed to green tea?

From my research and looking around at various studies and reference material over the years, it seems that main authoritative entities such as the FDA (US Food and Drug Administration) and the NCI (US National Cancer Institute) are hesitant to come out with conclusive information and evidence stating that antioxidants do indeed contribute to health and well-being. I’m surprised that here we are in 2016 and there is still so much inconclusive evidence regarding this. Most Dietary Supplements and other similar products such as those labelled as “antioxidant super foods” or “high in antioxidants” have the disclaimers that almost all non-mainstream medicinals, herbal remedies etc. have  – ie “this product has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.” It seems these authoritative bodies such as FDA are OK with these “claims” as long as they are not categorically stating it as medical proof. Here’s an article from the National Cancer Institute about this.

I would be interested to hear from anyone who has more up to date information on scientific proof and/or authoritative body recognition of the value of antioxidants.

Health Benefits Associated with Green Tea

Here are some of the many health benefits often associated with green tea. Although there may not be a lot of proof on the degree of the impact that tea has, from what I have read and researched there is also no proof that tea does not positively impact and contribute towards improved health in some – or even all of these areas.

Anti-aging; High blood pressure; Digestive aid; Cancer prevention; Weight loss; Liver health; Blood Sugar Levels; Healthy teeth; Anti-inflammatory; Lowers LDL “Bad” Cholesterol; Mind alertness; Detoxifier; Energy booster

Still not sure what to think?

drinking green tea

Enjoying tea together

My advice is give tea a try if you don’t already drink and appreciate good tea! Get yourself some loose leaf tea and enjoy 2 or 3 cups a day for a while and see how you feel. Even if drinking tea simply replaces a few soda drinks – you are already getting a head start on weight loss, healthy teeth and probably lots more! And if you can combine it with a lifestyle change of better eating habits, regular exercise and a positive mental outlook on life, who knows what other good things will happen!

What are your thoughts on this?

Below are the links to our Premium Jasmine Dragon Pearl Green Tea and our regular Jasmine Green Tea that we sell on Amazon, along with links to some online shops where you can buy good Green teas.

Eat Green Tea:  Edible whole green tea leaves and green tea leaf powder products

Generation Tea:  Aged Green Teas, Jasmine Pearl and Longjing green teas

My Matcha Life: Matcha Green teas

American Tea Room  Assorted green teas – both loose leaf and tea bags



10 thoughts on “Is Green Tea an Antioxidant – Green Tea Benefits

  1. Stuart

    I also have heard about the health benefits of green tea especially the claims of weight and fat loss. I haven’t heard of any negative effects to drinking green tea so I don’t see any draw backs to consuming this beverage and who knows, you may experience the benefits that have yet to be substantiated.

  2. Alexey

    Hey there it’s Alexey! What a nice article ! I enjoyed reading it. I am familiar with the term “antioxidants” from my parents, they are both doctors, and they remind me all the time about the importance of them. Green tea is a known antioxidant and after your post I only want to drink more of it 🙂
    Thanks for the share !

  3. Matt's Mom

    I’ve heard so much hype regarding green tea and I am not much of a tea or coffee drinker, well never drink either. BUT, your post was very informative and I can see the benefits from Green Tea. It actually has a pretty good flavor. I am just supposed to stay away from caffeine. Can you tell me if the products listed have caffeine and possibly what the caffeine content is? That would be the only thing to deter me, is if the caffeine content is too high. Thanks!

    1. Peter Post author

      Hi Matt’s Mom. Yes, all teas (except herbal infusions) have some degree of caffeine, but not near as much as coffee. For example most black teas have around 25-70 mg per cup, green tea is about 25-45 mg per cup and Oolong tea is about 25-60 mg of caffeine per cup. Brewed coffee is approximately 95-200mg per cup

  4. Lee Penney

    Hi Peter,
    I think your site is very informative and nicely presented. I like the post on anti-oxidants as I do believe they are extremely important to health and I do not believe you can have too much healthy stuff. You are right about the FDA not really caring about supplements as long as they are not making medical claims, because then they would become medicinal and under FDA scrutiny. That said, I know many people that swear by green tea and even though I’m primarily a coffee drinker, I enjoy a cup of tea on occasion and do think its a very healthy beverage. I did notice that the anti-oxidant chart you provided has two identical theaflavin boxes at the bottom. Is that correct? Also I love the page banner photo. Very appropriate. Good job.

  5. Lynn Drew

    Hi Peter,
    What an extraordinary website and such great information on tea. I must admit, though I have heard about Green Tea and that it is good for you, this is the first time I have really paid attention to the benefits.

    I drink alot of coffee and now I am going to try drinking Green Tea! Thank you for giving me the incentive to do so. And I really like the idea of less caffeine. 🙂



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